
Elevating The Environment

Sky Blue Sea Foundation’s Plastic Waste Management Program

The Sky Blue Sea Foundation is a non-profit organization that aims to stop plastic waste from getting into waterways and seas. This is a well-planned program that is focused on waste management and simultaneously changing the public’s mindset to be wiser when using plastics.

Sky Blue Sea Foundation was set up in Jakarta, Indonesia – 24 September 2018, with it is legal name Yayasan Laut Langit Biru, which is basically an Indonesian translation of Sky Blue Sea Foundation. This year during the pandemic of Covid-19, they celebrate 2nd anniversary via Zoom Meeting.

This foundation is primarily concerned about Caring for the Environment. Under this umbrella vision, Sky Blue Sea Foundation has three broad missions in caring for communities and the

  1. To assist areas and communities affected by natural disasters such as tsunamis, earthquakes, floods and landslides.
  2. To provide humanitarian assistance for the victims of natural disaster e.g. shelte, transportation, medication, food and clothing.
  3. The reduction of plastic waste entering Indonesian waters, thus preventing pollution that negatively impacts on people’s welfare such as diseases, lack of clean water and food insecurity.

The Foundation has developed the “Waste Plastic Management Program”, in line with their third mission. Here are various activities that Sky Blue Sea Foundation has been involved in and remain committed to.

Sky Blue Sea Foundation’s Plastic Waste Management Program content 1

Fill My Bottle
The members of the SkyBlueSea Foundation have started to provide drink-water filling stations in their own areas. Meanwhile, in the future, they have plan to work together with various organizations to encourage the use of reusable bottles instead of single-use plastic-bottled water, and this will be promoted nationwide.

The Production of Reusable Bags From Used Banners
The Production of Reusable Bags from the discarded banners, which had been used for commercial, political, and social campaign activities, were recycled into fashionable but durable bags that can be reused in place of plastic shopping bags.

Within the framework of the ‘Zero Waste Media Group Kick Off Program,’ the Foundation collaborated with Metro TV by contributing 1,000 recycled bags made of used banners for Metro TV’s anniversary on November 25, 2019.

When it comes to distribution, the Foundation work with companies and governments who are willing to help create a greener Earth. Bags can be sold through retailers in all transportation centers, including airports, stations, ports, trains, buses, ships, markets, and tourism centers where there will be high demand. Individuals and groups will also encourage each other to use these bags instead of disposable plastic bags.

Golf Tournament
Our Golf Tournament is an annual program that is aimed at forging networking opportunities among the founders and members of the Foundation and the institutions that have been cooperating with us. Besides, the tournament is also a fund-raising activity that generates money for operational activities and work programs.
